There was a conspiracy. The US Government didn't directly kill our people, they indirectly killed them, let them die through gross negligence and incompetence. This was a terrorist attack that turned out a lot worse than it should have. Here's my list of what seems to have been covered up:
1: The jet fuel burning would not have heated the steel to the point that the towers would have collapsed, especially in the tower where the plane took out a corner, barely grazed the center column, and expended most of the fuel in a fireball. The terrorists exploited our piss-poor security, the sort that enabled the attack to occur, and planted explosives in the towers beforehand.
2: I want to know why the fuck the president showed no emotional reaction after given news of the attack, and continued to show no sign of nervousness whatsoever for the half hour he spent in the elementary school classroom after being informed of the attack. The official version of events surrounding the president's whereabouts and location of his staff members at the time do not correspond with actual observations and schedued events. On top of this, the president took the irresponsible action of remaining in a public place under several flight paths in a publicized event while hijacked planes were still in the air.
3: Flight 93 was shot down. There is no other logical explanation for the charred engine found miles away from any other debris from the plane, or the eyewitness accounts of USAF jets shadowing the plane and allegedly firing on it. It doesn't bother me that it was shot down, it bothers me that the white house has refused to answer any questions about it, refused to acknowledge that they saved hundreds of lives by creating a small tragedy to avert a larger one (a crash into the White House, Congress, maybe another NY landmark, or another major building, possibly the president's location.)
4: What was the "mystery object" that "chased" one of the planes as it struct the tower, and flew past, landing off camera. Was it a missile? Some other unidentified object? Did they try to shoot it down last second to spread the impact and prevent critical structural damage to the tower?
5: Why, after numerous memos, foreign intelligence reports, direct warnings, did we seem so clueless? Was the plot uncovered and allowed to be carried out to justify war?