Originally posted by james t kirk
Never has a US president faired so poorly in any Canadian popular opinion poll. Never. Now i know some of you are saying, "Well who gives a fuck what Canada or any other country thinks of Bush" Well, it does matter believe it or not, and since the USA is so important in the world, it has an impact on other countries.
You have to ask yourself why an American president would be so completely dispised all over the world? There must be something there.
Sadly, there are many Americans who honestly do not give a damn what any other country thinks. In their minds, a map of the world is dominated by the United States while the remainder of the globe is plugged into a small geographical area the size of the Azores.
This places the U.S. in a sort of Catch 22. We are in this position because we don't give a damn what any other nation thinks. Yet we can't figure out why so many nations are afraid of or despise us. The common - and erroneous - reaction is that these nations are jealous of us, thus perpetuating the opinion that Americans are arrogant, ego-centric bastards. We do not respect our allies, we tolerate them.