Originally posted by grayman
I found the end of Deep Impact to be extremely moving for some reason. Both for the people who died and the people who lived.
I like the very last scene, where the President is speaking from the steps of the Capitol Building, which has obviously been rebuilt on what's left of DC, which is largely still empty ground. When something important to people, part of their lives, is destroyed, you build it back right where it was the first time, as a symbol that the people are not defeated.
Meant a lot to me, because I live in a town that lost a lot of landmark buildings and businesses in an earthquake. And in several cases, the owners rebuilt the old buildings to look just as they did, sometimes with even the same businesses inside. When you walk into a building like that, that you've known, that's been lost and then replaced, you get tears in your eyes. So that last scene in Deep Impact really resonated with me.