Originally posted by Bill O'Rights
I have seen posts explaining the votes of those that are "for it", and those that "don't give a shit". Yet, I see 13 votes "against it". At the risk of seeming trollish, or flame baiting, I would like to hear from the other side of the fence. I'm not asking you to justify yourselves, or even to explain yourselves. Just come forward with a well thought out argument as to why Homosexuals should not be allowed to marry. I do not want this to become another "slugfest", or another 5 page thread to nowhere, so let's refrain from the "I agree" posts. I would like it kept clean and streamlined. So...whaddya say? Come on out and play?
I agree and would be interested in hearing the other sides point of view.
For some reasons of their own, my colleagues and friends, I've asked this question to, will say they are 'against it' and can never follow it up with any form of solid reasoning or thought on the matter. Any explanation is always evaded.
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