Originally posted by Bill O'Rights
I have seen posts explaining the votes of those that are "for it", and those that "don't give a shit". Yet, I see 13 votes "against it". At the risk of seeming trollish, or flame baiting, I would like to hear from the other side of the fence. I'm not asking you to justify yourselves, or even to explain yourselves. Just come forward with a well thought out argument as to why Homosexuals should not be allowed to marry. I do not want this to become another "slugfest", or another 5 page thread to nowhere, so let's refrain from the "I agree" posts. I would like it kept clean and streamlined. So...whaddya say? Come on out and play?
As marriage stands right now, both the legal and religious are the same. I voted against it due to my Christian beliefs that a marriage is supposed to be a reflection of Jesus's relationship to the church, and a special union between a man and woman. Christian beliefs also hold homosexuality to be immoral. As long as the marriage ceremony is only religious, I cannot justify supporting gay marriage based on my perspective and the beliefs I hold. However, if the discussed seperation between the legal and religious occured, I'd give all the power to those who want to pursue a legal marriage and make that lifetime committment.