Right, I'm not saying that 9/11 never happened. It's not a conspiracy in that sense. Maybe "conspiracy" is the wrong word altogether - but "cover-up" is even less to the point, so we'll have to use conspiracy.
There are reports that the airforce was specifically told to stand down, and would have normally reacted quickly to the first crash. There are reports of some companies telling their employees not to come into work that day. I'm saying, at the very least, that this government used the attack to boost approval. I'm also saying that shit like the passport, the surveillance photos, the flight manuals, the instructions on what to do to prepare (instructions written, by the way, in absolutely horrible arabic, by someone obviously not acquanted well with the Koran - which makes no sense for a group of Saudi religious fanatics) were planted to pin the blame on people who we wanted to blame.
(remember, when we went into Afghanistan, Bush and Blair refused to show ANY evidence that Al-Quaeda was linked to the attack. Blair, I remember, said something like: I've seen the evidence from the CIA, and I'm certain that Al-quaeda was involved, but we'll only show the public the evidence after the war." Well - we've NEVER seen that evidence - the evidence that so clearly, in Blair's mind, justified the war. What we HAVE seen, is a videotape found during the war with Afghanistan - one that is a bit too damning, and was a bit too convenient an "out" in my mind. If Al-quaeda is such a highly trained, highly organized network with such sophisticated communications and security network, how the hell did they leave something like that videotape lying around when they KNEW the American's were coming to that camp? Just sounds a bit too convenient to me that we'd find a video like that lying about. If any of you have read about what the CIA did in Iran - facts that the CIA does not deny - like paying people to riot on the streets, planting damning documents, starting and propogating horrible rumors, inciting violence and killing, etc. etc, etc. then you'll know that making that video would not at all be out of character for the CIA).
It might be possible that our (the U.S.) government knew what was going to happen and allowed it to happen. I'd consider that as being probable. As to whether the U.S. government was somehow involved in planning/executing . . . that's WAY beyond where I want to go with this. Heck, I'm not even sure if I have all the above facts right.
I live in NYC. I'm well aware that the towers aren't there anymore. I'm just saying that some suspicious shit went down shortly afterwards.