The first Nuke to go off any time soon is going to be in the Middle East. My guess is Istanbul, Turkey. That's going to set off a chain reaction that unleashes a bunch of them in the US. and Britain. Small ones, probably, around airports and Nuclear facilities or power plants and water treatment facilities. These will probably be be by either muslim radical sleepers or by our very own super patriotic groups who feel that we need a new government and the best path to that is the murder of tens of thousands of our citizens and a possible civil war or a bloody war of independence! God help us. The US is doomed to fade from prominence anyway as the EU accelerates its timetable. I look for a Nuclear detonation in the US within the next 2-3 years. If we have a Dem in the Whitehouse, watch for the time table to be sped up as the Muslims do not respect our Democratic Administrations.
"That's it! They've got the cuffs on him, he's IN the car!"