Originally posted by Averett
Also, I think generally the people here are more open minded than most in this country. I bet you'll see a lot of "yes" answers. Not so much so in the rest of the country unfortunatly.
Or in the rest of the world for that matter....
In the Netherlands gay marriage was officially legalized some years (2?) back. In my opinion it's just the official seal on a relationship that would exist in the same way otherwise.
That said I take a different view of the current discussion:
I believe in seperation of state and religion. Therefore I would like to see "marriage" removed from law altogether and replaced by an "official partnership". Marriage would be the religious seal on the relationship whereas the OP would be the legal seal.
That way the government can stop meddling in religious affairs (and all discussions about gay OP's would be stripped of religious content), and each religion can decide for itself to sanction the marriage of 2 people of the same sex. Or opossite sex, for that matter.
People would marry twice (like they do in the Netherlands), once in church and once in city hall. Of which only the second is recognized in legal affairs (children, adoption, mortgages(sp?), heirs, etc)
And then Bush would not be able to stop gay marriage because it is not in the spirit of 'marriage' he would need to openly oppose gay people having a lasting relationship.
I think he's ignorant.... *comment removed for trailing off.... *
Next he'll call gay people terrorists threatening the 'security and prosperity of the nation'.