Dont know if anyone's mentioned it yet but
Suicide Kings - Christopher Walken and Dennis Leary how can you go wrong?
Free Enterprise
"Young filmmakers (Robert Weigel, Eric McCormack) trying to hawk a movie titled "Bradykillers" about a serial killer who goes after victims Marcia, Jan, and Cindy meet their screen idol, William Shatner. Shatner, appearing as himself, has fun poking fun at his own image. The two young men, who idolize him and in their fantasies have seen him as a shadowy fairy godfather figure, are alarmed at the reality of the middle-aged non-Captain Kirk man that they meet. However, their relationship helps anchor the two more into reality." (from IMDB) fun fun stuff. William Shatner's best role job ever, nope that isnt a joke.
Also one that no one seems to remember Logan's Run. I just love that movie