Wow, no 9/11 conspiracy threads?
Is there a ban on that or something? If so, sorry moderators - I didn't know.
Anyways - I'm no conspiracy nut, but there were some weird coincidences that happened w/ 9-11. I may not have all my facts right, and I'm not here to LEARN from you guys, not propound some theory. So, here's what I remember off the top of my head:
I remember hearing that 1000 or so bodies of the WTC victims were completely annihilated to the point where we will never be identifiy the remains even using DNA analysis. So, if bodies were so badly burned, and paper burns much more easily than bodies, then how the hell did Atta's passport survive the inferno?
Second, it took well over a year to clear all the rubble away, how did we find PAPER on the ground just two days or so after the event? Isn't it miraculous that such important pieces of evidence just happened to be sitting right on top of ALL that rubble?
Third, how were we able to identify the papers that belonged to the terrorists? After all, there was no bomb on board the flight. You couldn't do forensic testing to see what was in the suitcase w/ the explosives - all the stuff from the plane was the same. How much paper had to have fallen from the WORLD FUCKING TRADE CENTER? How many documents? And you can pick out the exact one or two or three that are linked to the bad guys? How the hell do you trace them back to the terrorists?
Oh-back to the burned up thing. I think the back boxes were destroyed. That's damning evidence, itself, of a cospiracy - but even if you admit that it's possible - how could METAL boxes designed to survive the severest of crashes be annihilated and PAPER not burn up? It just doesn't make sense.
Fourth, somehow the bags that Atta checked onto the flight didn't make it, and we found some useful info in there. First, that seems to be a huge coincidence - in itself conspiracy theory material. More importantly, why the fuck would someone check bags onto a flight when they KNEW they were going to hijack it and crash it into a building? It just doesn't make any sense.
There's lots and lots more: how did we get the terrorists' names so fast? Why carry airline manuals - were they learning to fly the planes while waiting at the gate? I've heard some stuff about the debris pattern of the flight that crashed in Penn that doesn't add up to a crash landing. There's some stuff floating around that the plane that crashed into the pentagon made some really sharp maneuvers that most Air Force pilots couldn't execute, but the pilot who supposedly flew that plane was described as "dumb and dumber" by his flight trainer in New Mexico, or wherever.
Anyways, just wanted to put this out there. I'm sure some of my facts are wrong. I'd be happy to have someone correct me. I'm not looking for a debate, but a discussion/dialogue. I realize this is a touchy issue, and I hope I haven't said anything offensive.