i have a soundblaster card, and though, this "story" may be long, it might have some relevance.
basically, i have a soundblaster live card, altec lansing powered speakers with subwoofer. i don't have any distortion problems except when for things going into the line-in or microphone jacks.
i'm a musician and i sometimes play my synth through my computer speakers. the connection goes from synth to mixer, then cables going in to the microphone jack.
automatically, the stereo sound becomes mono, and there's distortion at any volume. the workaround is to go into the volume settings, and adjust the recording properties. i basically select "what u hear" (a soundblaster volume setting?), and then reselect the microphone volume in the recording settings, then on the playback settings, unmute the microphone again.
after i do that, the distortion is gone and magically, the stereo goodness is restored. however, that will only last until i turn off my speakers, then i have to repeat the process.
i don't know if that will help any, but i know that that's how i gotta work my shit. other than that, it's fine.
BTW, i only had to do that AFTER i upgraded the soundblaster drivers. i never had any problems with the original drivers.
the only other thing i can think of is to get an outlet tester and make sure the outlets are wired correctly... maybe you have a building-wide problem?
Last edited by soopafreek; 02-24-2004 at 07:13 PM..