Originally posted by VeXteR
You are right, dont get a ti4200, but that is all.
A 4200 would barely play Desert Combat or BF1942. Or at least at the level I expect to play at. And I dont consider playing with all the candy turned off as acually playing the game. You are playing an altered version of what the creator wanted you to experience. Its like watching movies with the brightness turn down so you can only see about half of whats happening...
What? My Ti4200 plays Desert Combat at 1024X768 with the graphics turned all the way up and maximum seeing distance fine...
Are you talking about the 64 MB version or what? The Ti4200 is still one of the best cards out there, especially when running a game such as Desert Combat which isn't revolutionarizing the genre. A 9600 Pro is about the equivalent to a Ti4200. Maybe a bit better but I doubt it.