From my understanding of the question there is no mathmatical way to detrmine the odds of getting two autographs in one deck. Sounds like the maker of the cards makes sure every deck has at least one autographed card in a deck, but allows for some decks to get multiple autographed cards. That would only be determined by the rate at which the maker of the cards wants there to be multiple autographed cards in a deck. There is probably some law, or maybe a marketing strategy, that results in the makers publishing the odds for each autographed card to be in a deck. For any two autographed cards the odds would be different for getting two in a deck. The only thing you can say from the information given is that if you add up the odds for each card to be in a deck you would get one...
Actually after thinking about this a bit more, the odds either must be greater than 1:1 for getting an autographed card in a deck as you received two and therefore if the odds were exactly 1:1 there would be a deck out there without any... Though, maybe the maker doesn't guarantee one per deck...
Errr... I am getting way too confusing... I should have just said "I don't understand the second part of the question" like Silvy said... But that would have been boring, and I was in the mood to ramble on about something... Maybe I touched on the answer you were looking for.