02-24-2004, 02:36 PM
#20 (permalink)
Originally posted by archer2371
Strange Famous, I understand what you're saying, took me awhile, but I got it. What you are saying is that Russia, China, Vietnam, etc. were merely dictatorships that rallied themselves under the banner of communism and the rise of the proletariat. Indeed, I think that that is the reason why the Western Democracies hated communism so, because they saw that if it were misconstrued and brought under one person, then it could be a dangerous tool of a lunatic. I understand where you are coming from, I wish in my heart of hearts that communism would work, that we could all share and be happy in perfect harmony. Yet, there is one flaw in the communist thinking, it does not account for the fact that human beings aren't perfect and cannot exist in a perfect world. The very nature of humans is to have possessions, and the theory that they would have to give up their earnings and throw it into a pot to evenly distribute it, scares a lot of people. It scares me, because I would like to keep what I make (for the most part anyways, I don't mind the taxes, I'm represented at least). Capitalism isn't slavery. It used to be, because heads of corporations used to follow no moral laws whatsoever when dealing with employees. I think that has changed a lot, sure you get crooks, but again, humans aren't perfect. Laws have improved the conditions of workers and have made sure that those that take an unfair advantage in the system are punished.
I mean, I understand that you're all gung ho for communism, it's just that when you get a "revolution" like that all it takes is for one opportunistic bastard to ensnare all of the minds that have followed it and pervert the ideals that were originally put forth. All it takes is just one person. That's it. In a democracy such as the ones in the West, it is much more difficult for one person to take complete control, either the demagogue like politician is seen for what he/she is and isn't voted in/back in to his position, or he/she is legally removed from his/her seat.
As far as the removal of civil liberties go, I think that if the people find that their liberties are taken away, then it will be voiced and the PATRIOT Act won't be renewed. I'm still very iffy on the PATRIOT Act, there are points that bother me, but there are other points that I feel ensure our safety. I don't know, I shall have to think on it some more.
OMG.....I just re-read that, I am now very much afraid of the bush administration. I kid you not.
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha