Originally posted by Mantus
I feel such contempt for these monkeybrian PC robots who mindlessly attack everything within their sights under the banner of “protecting society from bigotry”. It’s bullshit. They accuse Gibson’s father of denying the vastness of the holocaust yet in the same movement deny truth behind the teachings of one of the worlds top religions. (For the idiots out there) I am not defending Gibson's father I merely pointing that not only are these PC loonies trying to defend us from truth but they are hypocrites as well and are no better then a white supremacist anti-Semite.
The fact of the holocaust is proved by photographic evidence, records, eye witness accounts, survivor testimony, the physical evidence of corpses and of clothing, personal effects and even human hair (I think they found 7 tonnes in Auschwitz, I assume it was someone's job to pull it from the corpses to sell to wig makers) of the dead, official documents, the number of people missing... I could go on, but the fact that between 5.5 and 6.2 million Jews (depending on which deaths you count) were killed in a deliberate policy of mass murder by German and Eastern European state forces if clearly and provably true. For Mel Gibson's father to say that the Holocaust is "mostly, perhaps not all, but mostly a story" is false, ridicolous, and deeply offensive to many people.
On the other hand, the evidence we have for the execution of Jesus (or Yoshua Ben Josef as I believe He would have called himself) is a collection of holy books, written thousands of years - by people we know very little about. To question aspects of the way Jesus died, who he was, or even if he existed and was in fact a prophet of God or the son of God is clearly not the same as denying the Holocaust. The believe in Jesus as the son of God is based on faith, the belief in the holocaust is based on facts which we canverify and be sure of. That Jesus was the son of God, who was rejected by Jewish elders who organised his execution is only one possible truth - and if people say that portraying Jews as the murderers of Christ (I havent seen the movie, so I cant speak for whether it does ot not) is offensive to them, that is a very different thing from saying the holocaust didnt happen.