Originally posted by reconmike
Let me explian it to you.
I would enjoy it to the point that I have witnessed justice served.
Then I would be able to go to sleep, and sleep soundly.
I cant understand the mentality of someone who enjoys killing someone for the pure pleasure of killing, or killing someone for their life insurance, or because they dont want to lose half of everything they own, and I could go on and on with different murder scenerios. But the fact of the matter is these people DO NOT deserve to live a life of 3 squares and a warm bed.
And for your last little anti-war barb I have fought for "just causes". I have seen death at its most violent ends, something I both take great pride and great agony in.
the blanket of freedom that someone else has provided for you.
(bows head and shudders)
You have my pity on so many levels.
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha