Originally posted by onetime2
How would you phase jobs out slowly? Would you pass laws to require US corporate helpdesks to be maintained in the US? What's to stop companies from changing their headquarters to Bermuda (as many choose to do)?
Factory jobs are no panacea. How do you propose that US companies compete globally when their labor costs are higher by multiples?
Do you realize that textbooks have always been outdated? Or that textbooks do not supply all the required information anyway? They are to be aids not the sole source of knowledge. Teachers and outside resources are part of the equation.
I would think that a company that has the best interests of the country and its workers in mind could phase jobs in and out without muchado. The government could offer tax abatements or grants to help keep jobs while training for new technology
China and Japan do not make that much on the steel sent here, Actually they show losses. So why continue to send it here? Because thier cheap steel is destroying our industry. Why, we make better steel? Because they get taxed very little importing into this country while our steel is taxed overseas to where it is unaffordable.
That is indisputeable FACT. The right doesn't care "free market" but once our steel industry is gone we are at the mercy of other countries.
As for cheaper labor............... I'm all for the exploitation of the kids in Malayasia.
Lesson, if we need to tax others imports as they tax ours.
My stepmother is a teacher of an affluent suburban public school system, has been for 30 years. She's also a Republican, BUT even she admits that education standards are nowhere near what it was even 10 years ago let alone 20 years ago.
Teachers are low paid, yet expected because of financial constraints at the schools, asked to buy any "extra outside the book" material for class. Teachers are told how many copies a year they can make. Extracurricular activities are becoming less and less.
I don't know, maybe I'm stupid. But when I went to school we had textbooks that were published within the last 5 years. We were able to go on field trips and experience museums and art galleries.
Voters aren't passing school levies throughout the country because they pay enough in taxes. Unfortunately that tax money is going into things like an illegal war, investigating a president's extra marital affairs and every aspect of his entire life, tax cuts for the rich, tax cuts for big businesses that ship jobs overseas.
The money the government gets SHOULD be put into bettering the country NOT for making an elite few richer and shipping jobs overseas. Those are the same people that complain they can't find hard workers or people intelligent enough to work.
It's pointless..... go ahead ship the jobs overseas. Hell just close the industries over here because we are all overpaid and other countries you can find cheaper labor................