OK, well, I figured out the internet problem. Looks like it is, in fact, the ethernet cable. I am posting this from my computer's temporary position located nearer to a ethernet port so I can use a different cable. Disappointing in some ways cause cutting and putting together my giant cable from the big spool my dad got from work was a pain in the butt, and now I'm back at square one figuring out how to get myself internet access from basically 2 rooms away without wasting too much money on something that I won't need probably after this year is over.
I don't get it though...even if the cable is 130+ft long and even if it did get pretty crimped when attempting to deal with it, it worked for nearly 6 months and was never touched, just staying in place running along the ceiling for the most part. Yet, now, for no apparent reason, without having been touched or anything, suddenly, after I go to dinner one day, it stops working

I guess all that remains of issue is why my hard drive suddenly made that crazy noise and why it has since stopped and not started again and is working seemingly perfectly again