Thread: The Passion
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Old 02-23-2004, 10:03 PM   #36 (permalink)
I saw the movie today, it's a pretty awesome flick, and an emotional two hours. I am Catholic, so I don't know how much of that plays into my opinion.

The movie is all in Aramaic and Latin, and for the most part is subtitled, there is quite a lot of dialouge that isn't.

There may be things that are considered "historically inaccurate", but as fhqwhgads said, it was not taken from what is said to be historical references, but taken from what was said in the bible.

The violence portrayed in the scourging and the crucifiction are unreal, and at times are hard to watch. Though emotional, I thought it was good to see these acts depicted as true to life as possible. I think people tend to not think of how savage the death of Christ was, and only think of all the good that resulted once he rose from the dead. These scenes helped me truly appreciate the suffering Christ went though for our salvation.

On a happier note there are a few feel-good scenes scattered throughout the movie when he reflects on different parts of his life, like a scene showing the interaction between him and his mother, that help relieve some of the emotional tension.

All in all, the movie was really good, and I did not see any of the"severe anti-Semitism" that was supposed to be in the movie. The only evidence I could see that one might view as anti-Semitic, was how ruthless Caiphus, and other high priests were portrayed.

Last edited by kwoodmex; 02-24-2004 at 01:00 AM..
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