This is a letter I just recieved as a member of the NRA... Please read through it, even if you are against the NRA. Our freedoms are getting analy raped.
"I'm writing with bad news and an urgent call to action.
In an unbelievable 5-4 decision, the United States Supreme Court has dealt us an enormous blow and made it a federal crime for the NRA to criticize anti-gun incumbents in Congress.
They've rukled against our against our lawsuit to overturn the new "campaign finance reform" gag order -- a gag order that silences NRA and other membership organizations 30 days before every primary election, and 60 days before November heneral elections.
I never imagined in a million years that one day our First amendment rights garaunteed to us by the founding fathers would be ripped away from us by the highest court that those founding fathers created... That the supreme court would agree to silence our message while allowing anti-gun media and gun hating billionairs to continue their relentless attacks iagainst anyone who believes in the second amendment.
As a result of this ruling, free speech is no longer a RIGHT garaunteed by the First amendment, but a PRIVLEDGE granted by congrss and the courts.
Under this new law, as held up by the supreme court, so called media sources, like ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN have the right to present any spin on "gun control" they want.
If they want to put Babra Streisand and MIcheal Moore and Spike lee on national talk shows to condemn gun owners and attack the second amendment and pro-gun politicians, they can. [...]
And billionairs like George Soros who are spending their fortunes to defeat pro-Second amendment candidates are totaly exempt as well.
Yet if your NRA mentions the name of any federal candidate on TV or radio airwaves, 30 days prior to a primary election or 60 days prior to the general election, I could go to jail.
signed Wayne LaPierre
Exec VP of the NRA.
Im diggin up what I can on this. THis isnt about the second amendment so much as it is about people freedom of speech being trampled in an effort to push a political view that bothers me unbelievably. Hence General Discussion, and not Weapons.
I left blank the parts about how the NRA is dealing with this, for it doesnt affect the discussion in my opinion. Dont hesitate to visit