Well... I am the right person to answer this question! Why you ask? Because I owned a 2.8C (before I accidentally broke it) and now have a 2.4C. I think the highest i got the 2.8 stable was around 3.2 with a stock cooler. After my accident I relaced it with a 2.4c because they are so damn cheap nowadays. I can get the 2.4 up to 2.8 with a Zalman 92 mm cooler. I personally didn't notice any difference between the two processors while playing games like CS and BF1942 and right now I don't even have my 2.4C overclocked. Eventually I am going to replace my 2.4 wit ha 3.4 when those become cheap... which might be awhile.
"A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows us that faith proves nothing." - Friedrich Nietzsche