This thread has taken care of itself!
We've got blacks voting as a block, Hillary only being considered a candidate because of her husband, and pms starting WW3!
I'll continue by simply stating a few facts: Margaret Thatcher was in England, which is a far more mature country than ours (In terms of years). England has been close to both WW's and can relate closely to how leadership is more key than "guy power". Additionally, queens preceded Thatcher. Here, we've never had even a slight semblance of the "most powerful person in the US" being a woman. There are similarities between the countries, but this is a major difference.
Connie Rice is tainted, as are the entire group of Bush apologists. If Bush fails to be re-elected, the entire lot of his good squad will be off-limits for major political office, including Powell. As much as folks argue about Bush being a liar, whatever, it's Rice/Powell/Rumsfeld so on that actually face the people more often than not- and the people don't forget.
If Bush wins, who knows- Rice might be in line!
Interesting thought, however, what if Kerry named Hillary veep candidate? In response, Bush *could* name Dole or Rice his veep candidate. While this would be a standard political ploy, it would also guarantee a lady veep. That's be interesting.