carrot top, blood nut, period head.... heard em all over the years. doesnt bother me one bit. water off a ducks back as we say!
the killer comment was from my boss the other day:
"better dead than red!". how nice
i actually laughed my head off. i just looked down at his huge protruding gut, smiled and said "nuff said!".
plus over the years I have realised that red heads have a niche market in the dating game. all it takes is a bit of confidence and the willingness to take the piss out of yourself and the girls seem to flock!
a question for the other red heads of the forum:
do you have a bad temper?
i am the kind of person that you can push and push and push. as soon as you cross the line, i blow up big time. i mean uncontrollable fits of rage. you?