it is incredible that people who support a party with the title "Democrat" wish to deny a man the right to stand for election on the principles that he feels other parties are avoiding.
None of us are denying him the right to do anything. We do feel, however, that he's stupid to do it. Listen, the goal this election for the non-bush supporters is to get bush out. It's a more pressing goal this time than ever before because Bush has done more damage to the country and the world than any previous president. Why Nader would choose to "stand up for what he believes in" by engaging in yet another lost cause that can do nothing but help Bush in his quest to stay in office - and therefore do MORE damage to the country and the world - is beyond me. Responsible people pick their battles, and they try to pick battles that won't hurt the people they're fighting for. Nader is not acting responsibly, whether he's within his rights or not.
And btw, the policy of "if your business is too successful we're gonna steal it for the government to run" has a shorter name. It's called communism.