Originally posted by Nad Adam
Well, firstly some of the NATO countries did not have a problem with the war on terror until Bush choose to attack Iraq. When countries like France, Russia, Germany among others where demanded by the US to join in an attack they started to examine the evidence against Iraq and found that they were not valid. Their intelligence showed no signs of WMD or any other eminent threat from Iraq. When they questioned how just an attack would be the Bush administration started a hate-campaign against them with France as the main target. This, of course, pissed off most of the civilized world.
And seeing this in retrospect, what interests or social ideals where promoted, what safety was gained? Sure, maybe control over the worlds second lagest oil-supply or a potential democracy in the middle-east but that wasn't what was sold to the american people was it?
Wrong, wrong, wrong. France agreed that he probably had WMD's and that had intelligence to support it. The reason Germany, France, and Russia all were against the war was the reason we were for it, our own self interests. None of the countries wanted to lose it oil contracts they had been secretly bidding with Saddam, especially France. None wanted their lucrative weapons for oil deals to be lost either (Russia, China, and France). If you look at the whats been found after the fact there you will see many weapons, weapons that were illegal for Saddam to have were found and guess what, they were French or Russia. Not to mention that after Gulf War I Saddam's entire military was rebuilt mostly from those two nations.
America got very little of its oil from Iraq or the Mideast in general before this war, in fact only 25% +/-. European and Asian nations rely heavily on Iraqi oil and other Middle Eastern countries. In a volitile region such as the Mideast a stable American friendly government helps us. Also if we are in their policing the region with our presence (including Saudi Arabia) other nations are not going to do it themselves. They will continue to keep to weakening their own militaries, look at what is going on in Europe. This was a brilliant policy move contrived (is that the word I want?) by Wolfowitz after the first gulf war. Our presence in Iraq is three fold. 1) Establish an American friendly regime (we'll see what happens with this one) 2) scare the piss out of the Arabs, making a declarative statement we won't take your shit, we know you most of you have illegal WMD programs (see Iran, Libya, Syria) and we won't have you harboring terrorists 3) Is the whole regulation of world military. The more the rest of the world lessens their military and its roles around the globe the more and better we stay established has the sole hypower.