Originally posted by james t kirk
Pete Townsend said it best, "Rock is dead"
And it is true now more than ever.
Now, it's all "Pop" music.
Assembly line boy bands, girl power, rap stars with band aids on their faces who have ZERO talent. Today's music seems to be a whole lotta of nothin.
ok, this is off topic -- but you started it dammit.
When i hear "rock is dead" "today's music seems to be a whole lot of nothing" i think of the old fortune cookie trick where you add "in bed" to the end of every cliched little pseudo prediction. I think your statements need the word "mainstream" added in somewhere. cause honestly rock ISN'T dead there is tons and tons of really great new music coming out on independent labels and not (for the most part) getting played on the radio (though internet radio is a different story). You can find some really innovative amazing artists if you make the effort to seek them out. Or you can live in the past and pretend that what gets played by clear channel is the true nothing music of our generation. Rock has always lived on the outskirts of society, it's follish to expect to find it without some effort.