Thanks for the good vibes people.
Originally posted by Skettios
I've never really been made fun of for having red hair, but I have noticed something. A lot of men love women with red hair. Older women seem to like my hair, but young women really don't go for it at all. It's even been to the point where I've had girls I was dating tell me they didn't like it or that I should change it. Also, trying to date a girl with red hair never works, because she either tells you that you look too much like her brother, or people think you're brother and sister.
Yeah, i would agree with this for sure. Although ive found the odd girl in my age group who likes my hair colour, for the most part it doesnt go down to well. I guess for the most part, the red headed male isnt as sexualised in our culture. If you are a female, youve got your Nicole Kidmans or sexy alternative gothish looking people, if your a male then Borris Becker is about the pinnacle. And the amount of times ive read awesome books that have been translated into films where the red headed character has been changed into a canonoised hollywood archtype is too inumerable to recall. But titles like Trainspotting, One Flew Over The Cukoo's Nest and Shawshank Redmeption certainly come to mind.
From what i hear descrimination against reds is the worst in the UK, so spare a thought for them. The english take sledging to a whole new level really.