Originally posted by sipsake
Birdhouse In Your Soul - They Might Be Giants
Right on. Pretty much anything by TMBG might work though. Dr. Worm for instance:
"They call me Dr. Worm
Good Morning, how are you, I'm Dr. Worm
I'm interested in things
I'm not a real doctor but I am a real worm
I am an actual worm..."
Or Youth Culture Killed My Dog:
"But the hip-hop, and the white funk
just blew away my puppy's mind
I don't understand what you did to my dog..."
Or Rabid Child, or Absolutely Bills Mood, or The Day. All absolutely bonkers.
In a similar, but more violently angsty and less relentlessly dour, Dead Milkmen crank out non stop gibberish too. Big Lizard, frinstance...
"Well I bought a small lizard, only a dollar fifty
well that's pretty neat, yeah it's f*ckin' nifty
but I just can't afford to feed him
and you should see the way it sh*ts!"
Takin' Retards to the Zoo is right up there too, if cruel, but the real nonsense is in songs like "Where the Taratula Lives",
"Holland's Ruled by migets, the Pope owns CBS,
Subway cars have been equipeed with bars and they're cloning Rudolf Hesse"
Originally posted by BoomTruck
Then there is always 'A Lapdance Is So Much Better When The Stripper Is Crying' by The Bloodhound Gang.
Although that borders more on the "What in the hell?" category.
I've always filed that one in the "Just Plain Wrong" category. Like the band, but that song just gives me the willies.