OK, well I just wanna say that I too am of the opinion that The Ring was vastly overrated. I mean it was by no means a bad movie, but it was not that scary. Now The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, THAT movie is fuckin scary. The reason it scares me so bad is that it seems totally real to me. Instead of the lead characters doing the stupid scary movie cliche shit, they actually, for the most part, do exactly what people would do.
And now I'm going to say something that may discredit my opinion to you guys.
Jeepers Creepers scared the holy hell out of me. The way they played out scary things happening in the background of scenes was hellacious. I thought Jeepers Creepers was leagues scarier than The Ring.
"We each have a star, all we have to do is find it. Once you do, everyone who sees it will be blinded." - Earl Simmons