VitaminH; I dont know where xim is taking this (no offense to xim)
a few questions for you: in the Phoenix, Houston, Las Vegas, and San Diego- the only cities where I've had consistent collaboration of observation there is one day out of the week where there is no trails at all. Whats your take on that?
is this "water, ice crystalization, or whatever else the chemtrails have been written off as heavier than the makeup of c/c cloud formations.
Do you know what chemtrails are and what their purpose would be if they were being used by NATO nations?
Can you take the few minutes it will take to observe your sky over the next week and document if you see one day free of trails and if you see any at night.
To confine our attention to terrestrial matters would be to limit the human spirit.- Stephen Hawking
Last edited by Sun Tzu; 02-21-2004 at 05:43 PM..