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Old 02-21-2004, 04:40 AM   #23 (permalink)
I've added numbers to better facilitate responses...

Originally posted by bernadette
(1)no one likes unresolved mystery. no likes deleted posts or threads. (2)no one likes seeing people whose posts they've enjoyed being banned.

(3)it is reasonable to expect folks to want explanation. explicit gory details are not necessary. just some little tidbit to help stop the speculation, rumors & stupid wtf threads.
1. Threads and posts are only ever deleted if they are offensive or break a rule. It stands to reason, then, that the whole point in removing those posts, is because we do want such crap on our boards.... so why would we LEAVE THEM UP for all to see? That makes no sense.

Everyone on the TFP is shielded from a LOT of crap. There are some crappy people out there, and we keep them from bugging all our great members.

(2) And if your next-door-neighbor was a child molester and a rapist, would you demand they stay out of jail because they keep a tidy lawn? We don't go back and delete everything they've ever written, we just make a decision that they have broken too many rules to be allowed continued access. Good posting does not cancel out for being abusive, offensive, or a rule-breaker.

3. Explanation is easy. They broke the rules. Boom, done. Which ones, in what quantity, etc., are not up for debate, and therefore also not up for discussion- that's private information. "speculation, rumors & stupid wtf threads" are caused by people not understanding OR respecting our job here. The police report crimes because they work for the goverment under which you live, you have no choice in whether you are subject to their laws or not, and you pay their salary with taxes. Donations help Halx afford to keep this giant community going. I guarantee it's a lot more expensive than you think. You are not paying for services, you are graciously helping to support your community.

You can leave the TFP if you're not happy with the way we run things, but i assure you of this- our way is as fair as it could possibly be, and we love our members to death. There are many very close friendships shared here on the TFP. Stop in to chat and see it for yourselves some time- there are plenty of free IRC clients, and you can always use the "chat" button at the top of every screen you see while inside the TFP. Nothing is holding any of you back from experiencing every facet of the TFP life.

A person being banned is not typically a 1-person job. It takes more than a button click. Unless there is gross cause for immediate dismissal, the decision to ban a member is agreed upon by a couple of people before it's carried out. Don't ask what a gross cause would be, I can't think of an example- intentionally posting kiddy porn maybe, I don't know. Also, anyone we find to be under 18 is immediately banned. That's a big fat DUH, no one needs to verify that.

I love you all very much, and I look forward to more friendships all the time.

Now go have fun!!
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