Originally posted by dragon2fire
this is the reason that basketball is dieing
bad idea here
last time i checked, garnet is in the top 2 players in the league, and james and anthony are having fenominal years.
Originally posted by JoeyB
Survival of the fittest. If someone can survive after high school---let him.
Everyone knows the benefits of college, but look at the people who went all 4 years and still aren't successful in the pros. For some people, the best way to go is get into the NFL (or NBA or NHL or MLB) as soon as possible. It's better for them professionally and financially.
Clarett will succeed or fail based on his ability and work ethic. He should be given a chance to prove if he can succeed.
he should be givin the chance to pass or fail. last time i checked it was illegal to discriminate someone from employment because of their age.
Originally posted by Dostoevsky
While I agree with the points you made above there is another side to the story. If a player is talented enough to enter the draft and be selected by a team and given a contract, who is the NFL to restrict employment based on arbitrary age law. I realize there is a special need for size and strength in football but still, if a player is good enough to be drafted than I think they should have that option regardless of age. Other professional sports draft players as young as 14 and 15, granted, they have minor leagues to develop in but still. I'll never agree with the NFL restricting someone's fundamental right to earn a wage and it appears the court system will finally straighten this mess out.
Let me ask you dissenters this....What would you do if you were a star high-school or college athlete and you had to make the decision to jump into the draft or go continue playing at an amateur level? Would you turn down guaranteed millions and risk an injury playing amateur sports that would prevent you from ever making the money you could have? I would take the money. I will never criticize anyone for taking the money when they can because sports careers can be short lived and athletes never know how long they will be able to play. If you need to blame someone for the deteriation of skills in professional sports perhaps we should blame ourselves as fans for continuing to pay exorbinant prices to attend games and support teams when we are unhappy with skill levels. By doing so we send an economic message that things are OK.
Just my thoughts... What do you think??
i totall agree that he should be allowd to enter the draft. if he is a failure as a football player, they can say its because he left to early for the nfl. if he fails as a person, they can say he did not get the maturity he needed in college. but if he stays and breaks his leg next year at osu, they can say man i wish i would have goten to see him play in the nfl.
Originally posted by djtestudo
This really sucks. The NFL isn't the NBA. 95% of players need more time after high school to prepare for the NFL. You need to be bigger, stronger, and faster then most people are in high school.
Besides, look at what this is doing to the NBA. Players don't learn how to play with a team when everyone is about the same ability. They don't learn basic skills, and they spend several years learning in the NBA when they could do it in college without wasting space.
who are you to say that players dont learn the basic skills without college. pro sports are a profession just like every other job in the us, exept they are broadcast for everyone to see. does every person who goes into their profession have a 4 year internship to learn all the skills they need to learn to perform their job? and even with playing in college, these skills are not always learned. i am from PA, so sixers are my team, and no one will come to play with iverson because he does not pass the ball. that is teamwork that he is lacking. he is a top 5 player in the league and he lacks the fundamentals that make a team player and not a top player. he went to college, yet he doesnt come to practices. there are many many players in the league like this, this is just an extereme example. football is the same way, K.J., T.O., duce, and many others are players how must have missed all the maturity skills they "should have" gotten in college.
to all the dissers: Let Him Try. if he fails, he was doomed to fail. if he succedes, it was a fluke in the system. pass or fail he is a failure in your minds before he even got the chance to prove it.