you said it hurts on the posterior lower leg... that would imply the gastrocnemius muscle to me (the calf muscle). That one points your foot and helps to flex the leg. The tibialis anterior runs on the front of the lower leg, and flexes the ankle (brings your toes toward your shin).
All I can say to reduce pain is to stretch well before AND after cardio, and to ensure that you are adequately warmed up before beginning. You could jump up and down, springing with your feet... do jumping jacks, stand on tip-toes... just make sure blood is flowing before you start walking.
Some stretches you could do are:
- put your toes against a wall and lean into it, stretching your gastrocnemius.
-point your feet, and use your hands to extend the pointing a little farther.
-stretch the side to side ankle movement, by standing on the side of your shoe, 1 foot at a time. Do both sides... the inside side is tough to stretch.
"If you're not weird, you're not interesting".
I'm very interesting ...
seizei; (adv - Japanese) at the most; at best; to the utmost; as much (far) as possible. (pronounced - say-zay)