In my experience, it's a good idea to casually flaunt the fact that you're having a "rager" at your place next weekend. Mention that you'll score some alcohol, marijuana, and maybe even a mix cd with some eddie money on it. Then, actually have a rager and invite other girls that are sleazier. Hook up with those girls, or perhaps pay them in advance to hook up with you while in the presense of said other girls. It's a fool-proof method performed nationwide every saturday.
The most effective method of breaking down their defenses is to befriend them in ascending order of attractiveness. I think I may have read this in an evolutionary biology textbook. Usually the least attractive girl will hold sway over the mood of the group. If you gain her trust, you're in through the backdoor like King Shit, and the other girls will think, well shit, maybe this guy isn't such a dork. Invite her over and sing her some hippie songs on the guitar, write a poem for her, and bake her a cake. Or take her for a ride on your dirtbike. She'll freak out and you've got a ticket to get closer with the other ones in the future.
But like I was saying before you should try to do actual fun things on your own, and then offhand offer them the chance to join you. It's something dynamic that takes them out of their comfort zone. Seriously though, these kinds of girls are usually not ready for prime time when it comes to relationships.
... and shit.