I've been going out with a black girl for about 4 months now, and my father, who doesn't know that she's black, would absolutely not be down with it. I've gone out with mostly white girls, a Japanese girl, and another girl that was black & mexican. My father freaked about the black/mexican girl, so, I'm not really planning on telling him about my new gf for the time being. It's going to suck though. I agree with what was said before though, it's really uncomfortable to use the word racist when it applies to your parents, but it's true. My father is italian; from what I hear Italians aren't down with dating black folks. But like I said, it seems like people don't understand the subtleties of racism. We're so far removed from actual slavery but only 2 generations from the civil rights movement. There are loosely defined and well-known(though not overtly discussed) tactics used by every level of society to subtly screw over people of certain races. I never think of my dad as a racist until something like this happens and I'm just like, oh man, wtf?
... and shit.