Originally posted by xim
The government would NEVER give the people acid. Acid promotes free thought and stops you from being the gullible mindless sheep that they need you to be to keep you in control. The same is true (to a less extreme) of marijuana. Pot heads generally dont buy into the stupid trendy ideas that keep people buying crap and identifying with rediculous propaganda. Thats why there continues to be such a rediculous amount of money poured into the insane War on Some Drugs.
Putting acid in the water supply is what you should do if you want to free peoples minds, not control them.
I'm having trouble understanding how a hallucinogen promotes free thought? I can't understand thinking freely when you're driving and the steering wheel turns into a snake and you turn around and you're being chased by 1,000 babies with knives.
Allow me to reiterate on my earlier post as well. "Chemtrails" are WATER. Nothing else. See my above post for a description of how it happens. Posting pictures of them does not convince me otherwise.