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Old 02-20-2004, 02:23 PM   #3 (permalink)
Follower of Ner'Zhul
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Location: Netherlands
Thank you for your elaboration on this subject Secret, I do feel there needs to be a definitive thread about it.

Personally there have been many a times when I have feared to post because of the possible consequences. Although, thinking back I can't remember seeing 'banned' members that didn't really deserve it (by trolling and just plain asking for it). I believe I speak for everyone, however, that we are reluctant to post more controversial posts simply because we love this place so much.

I would be seriously pissed if I were to be banned and lost my status, simply registering again wouldn't restore that.
Now I am not hesitant to voice my disagreement on a subject, I know that the most I'll ever get is a rebuke. However disagreement on TFP and it's rules itself is quite another matter entirely. I have been critical before and paid for it by incurring the wrath of the mods and would therefor hesitate to do so again. This very post in fact is starting to seem pretty risky.

While I agree you can just send a PM to a mod, I know for a fact that mods will simply say 'no' or 'no, because...'and leave it at that. This does come over mightily authoritarian and can easily intimidate anyone from refraining to posting a critical comment at all.

Also, when you have it out in the open you can see by the responses, especially by newbies and Crazy's who seem to mind being 'politically correct' less than the rest of us, if you are alone on this issue. PMing a Mod may result in one "No", but several "what the hell are you talking about?" comments can be quite a lot more convincing as you can be surer that the opinions are less based on personal feelings.

Also I don't agree with removing offending posts, editing to remove particularly filthy language and such, yes, but I would much rather see examples of why a person got banned instead of constantly wondering why all of a sudden a thread or post disappears. Simply deleting offending posts will only lead to more uncertainty, I mean the ones I see are only the worst, I'm not crazy enough to post anything near that ignorant but where is the border?

Anyone noticed I am in love with fancy words tonite? I really feel I should've included a henceforth somewhere.
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- Nathaniel Borenstein

Last edited by RelaX; 02-20-2004 at 03:20 PM..
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