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Old 02-20-2004, 11:55 AM   #24 (permalink)
1) 23, M, Straight, in committed relationship
2) Condoms -rarely.
3) I just toss them in the cart when i'm at the store. However, i buy them so rarely that sometimes i do get a little anxiety at the checkout.
4) I can't think of a reason why we use condoms when we actually remember to besides avoiding pregnancy. We've been together and monogamous long enough that we're not worried about disease - I don't feel any differently about sex after having safe sex except for being extra worn out from all the extra work it takes me to get off whilst wearing a condom.

5. I don't want kids or anything but really hatesusing condoms. My SO used to be on the pill but claimed that it was making her fat. *claimed* - really the problem was that she would forget to take it for days at a time. Right now our birth control method involves pulling out and aiming for the boobs. We've been told that it'd be pretty hard for her to get pregnant anyways... famous last words.

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