And I thought it was just me.
Don makes some really good points. I thought that maybe just age was making me cynical about some of the new music out there. There seems to be a lot more "music product" promoted than "artist creativity".
I have always been very thankful that I got to be in San Francisco for a while during the early 70's. The music was alive and part of life. Quality mattered. The artists mattered and many of them still matter today to generations other than mine. The Stones, Arrowsmith, of course the Eagles, and many, many others are still going strong.
How many of todays "corporately assembled" bands or musical acts will still be pertinent 30 years from now?
How many of them see income as their first priority? Do they have "fans", or "customers"? Are they artists, or technically correct musical technicians?
Some "musical art" is filtering through but sometime's it's hard to hear above the noise from the cash register.
Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you,
Jesus Christ and the American G. I.
One died for your soul, the other for your freedom