Originally posted by Kaos
Are you worried about getting your ass kicked or just worried about being known as the party-pooper if they know it's you? Because a decent nights sleep is more important that what people will think of you.
Well, its a bit of all the above, and one more thing.
I'm not real worried about what they'll think, except that I now realize I'm way past college type antics and have "grown up". Fuckin a.
Ass far as an ass-whooping is concerned, I don't think thats an issue either. Everyone tells me that they're really nice guys. If thats the case, then they're just idiots for being so inconsiderate.
And lastly, my roomie and I both have cats. Cats aren't really allowed, though the building manager has a general "I can't see 'em so I don't care" attitude about them. My roommate is afraid that if I start bitching and causing a commotion with cops and landlords they'll retaliate with ratting us out about the cats.
I don't think its a huge issue, we don't let our cats out so I doubt they know about them (unless the roomie told them about hers), but I don't want her to have to worry about it. So I'm keeping my mouth shut...
Fuck. I just realized I'm screwed. There's nothing I can do. Fuck fuck fuck.