Originally posted by ChrisJericho
What's with the clothes Christian has been wearing during the last year or so? Does anyone else think they look like women's clothes?
When Christian got his haircut, he adopted his new look. SUPER SEXY. Or something like that.
The template for his look - The relatively shortlived MetroGay style that exist(ed) in NYC and LA for the special bars that offer drinks that cost more than a few beers and pretzels for an entire night. Tight shirts, and low-rise pants. The tighter the better. Its to show off the form, and to reach an almost feminine look.
note: REAL gay people (the trendy San Francisco ones) were dressing like this a few seasons before straight people were. Thereby putting into motion the chronicles of straight guys (ones who think they are OH SO SEXY) trying to be gay (who thing they are OH SO SEXY).