Originally posted by raeanna74
My mother told me outright to be careful though in that someone from a completely different culture would have different ways of looking at things and maybe even communicating.
Different cultures can make it hardbut not impossible.
So true, so true.
On a slightly related topic, I attended a lecture given by a well-known feminist (whose name escapes me at the moment) talking about cross cultural issues. She said that the fastest possible method to force everyone to deal with this issue face to face is for white women to date men of color (color, meaning not just black). She said it doesn't work the other way around because when a white man dates a woman of color, she's exoticized, she's his pet, so it doesn't work in most cases because in most cultures women are supposed to be demure. Obviously, people shouldn't go out and breed based on color to eliminate the issue, but it's an interesting theory I thought I'd bring up.