Thread: Gone veg:Why?
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Old 02-19-2004, 07:25 AM   #31 (permalink)
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Location: Learning to Fly...
I can never understand the vegetarians that claim they only eat veggies for a moral/ethical reason. If you just don't like meat, or can't stand knowing the origins of your meat, then that's just fine and I respect and praise your decision. However, this comment stood out to me:

We dont have to kill animals in order to survive - and its a terrible thought that millions and billions of living beings are slaughtered every year without necessity.
I'm sorry, but the mass production food market we rely on in the US is responsible for the death of *millions* of field animals every year. The only difference between these animals and the ones that we eat is that we actually use the meat from the animals we butcher. The thing is that animals actually do live in those fields that we have to harvest, and the machinery we use to harvest those fields doesn't exactly have animal protection built in. The only way to really make sure that you don't harm another living thing in your daily existance would be to produce everything yourself without the assistance of machinery, and I'm sure that very few people are willing to go that far to save something lower in the food chain. I think that it's time for us to realize what we were made to be, and stop being ashamed for existing as we do. Humans are near the top of the food chain, and as long as you're alive, you will be killing innocent animals. It's a fact of life.
And that, my liege, is how we know the Earth to be

This new learning amazes me, Sir Bedevere. Explain again
how sheeps' bladders may be employed to prevent earthquakes.

Oh, certainly, sir.

Last edited by moot1337; 02-19-2004 at 07:29 AM..
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