I don’t' know what’s up with the Kerry story, but based on the fact that the Father called him a sleazebag they would never vote for and then turned around the next day with a different story saying they support him makes you wonder what’s going on, don't you think?
Did you talk to the father? No? Of course you didn't. Where did the quote from the father come from? Why, The Sun. What is The Sun? It's the most tabloid of British tabloids. Lower than the National Enquirer. On par with the Weekly World News. Hit their home page and see what a bastion of responsible journalism they are.
Who else carried the "sleazebag" story besides The Sun? No one.
Perhaps you would like to see the cover of the tabloid that Drudge quotes and continues to quote as an authoritative news source.
So think about that. You're defending a "journalist" who quotes tabloids as fact. You're accepting what the tabloid says as truth. As far as I'm concerned, you may as well go hunting for an affair between Kerry and Bat-Boy next, it's about as plausible.
I'm completely, totally disgusted that UsTwo continues to quote Drudge's "facts" as if they are true, and that Drudge himself continues to quote The Sun on his homepage. Drudge is not a journalist. He is the worst kind of muckraker slime.