If the punishment should be equivilent...
Crimes could be punished by a change in your income tax for both the previous and current year. Say, 0.25% increase in income tax.
That is effectively the same punishment as a fine based off a percentage of your income, but it is "the same punishment".
I mean, a rich person in jail loses 10 years of income, at say 1 million per year. A poor person in jail loses 10 years of income, at 10,000$ per year. That's 100 times more money for the rich person! Unfair!
The rich person should go to jail for 36 days, he's lose the same amount of income as the poor did from 10 years in jail... =)
You should charge people in such a way that your income is maximized. Charge 25$ an hour for fixing their computer if they bring it to you and schedual it at least 1 week in advance, 35$ an hour if you do an onsite call schedualed 1 week in advance, and 50$ an hour for immediate onsite work. The "rich" won't blink at paying the higher rates, while the poor will save mony by bringing it into your "shop", maximizing your revenue. (yes, the numbers are sketchy)
You should fine people in such a way that the crimes are avoided sufficiently. With a system that does damage using fines to every socioeconomic system, you wouldn't have to take away someone's drivers liscence for speeding: just keep fining them in increasing amounts until they go bankrupt or stop.
Last edited by JHVH : 10-29-4004 BC at 09:00 PM. Reason: Time for a rest.