Our teachers were especially stingy with the hall passes when I was in jr. high and even more so to the kids they didn't like.
I once had to use the bathroom during Algebra. When I stood up I was promptly dressed down and told to sit and hold it. This kind of chafed a little as I really had to go.
I told her since I wasn't allowed to go to the bathroom and I sure as hell wasn't going to go in my pants maybe it would be alright if I whipped it out and pissed in the corner instead.
I went to the bathroom.
This kind of shit just irritates the crap out of me. Teenagers already have countless other things to deal with and are getting it stuck to them from countless angles by countless people and they want to impose regulations on bathroom breaks?!?!
Maybe schools should focus on reorganizing after school programs or reinstating the arts and music programs before they focus on when and how many times my kid can take a piss.