Originally posted by Dostoevsky
Well first, Bill Gates has revolutionized computer software and deserves every penny he ever made. Ideas are normally more valuable than physical labor.
This chart details how much money bill gates makes during a given period of time. It was calculated by dividing the wealth he has accumulated since microsoft went public by a given unit of time.
In the average second, bill gates makes $57.19.
He deserves every penny made? Why? Because the market allows it? Is there ever a point where someone's compensation becomes greater than what befits their benefit to society? Windows is a milestone for computers, but has it really had a greater impact than say, the discovery of a polio vaccine? I guess if the market says its okay, then we need not think anymore about it.
2. If you have a job, you can thank someone smarter than you who figured out a way to compete successfully in a market and create your job. Also, the market dictates what labor is worth. If you don't like your wage than you should develop more valuable skills.
Oooh yeah, let the free market handle it... AKA screw the poor. If you can't think beyond the market's appraisals than you might as well be a robot. (Is that why MBA's are soon going to be worth less than the paper they are printed on?)
I don't have a problem with entrepeneurs and idea people. I have a problem with greedy capitalists who think that milking their workers of every last cent they can get away with is a justifiable act simply because the market allows it. Let's not forget the market's love for human slavery. It bothers me that people can be so quick to abandon any sense of ethics or morality and bow down before the magic 8-ball that is market analysis. The economy should serve all the people, not just the ones who can milk it.
How rich is gwb and is he smart enough to be your boss? How does the market account for his wealth?