Any TV repair guys here?
I have a 35" RCA TV (probably a 1997 model) that I have been having some problems with. The set just turned off one day and wouldn't come back on. I took it to a local repair shop and the guy said it shouldn't be a problem. He had it for two months and finally called to say it was working (I think he replaced the power supply). I picked it up and got it home, we plugged it in and watched it for about four hours when it popped off again. I called the shop and took it back to have it re-repaired. He kept it for another 2 months and called to say it was ready again. He said they had ran it for several hours and had no problems with it. We got it home and watched it for about 30 minutes and *pop* off again. Well, by this time, I was just tired of carrying the thing around so I had the repairman just give us our money back and the TV has been setting in a spare room for about a year. Recently I have gotten the bug to get it fixed again, but this time I thought I ought to look inside to see what's going on. There was a 5 amp fuse at the power supply blown. So I replaced that. Plugged it in and and it blew right away. I would really like to be able to fix this myself, but I also know that the inside of a TV is no place to be monkeying around. So is it worth fixing and could I do it myself?