Originally posted by Superbelt
I see it as incremental steps, and the step to them getting to an even keel with the rest of america is important because blowhards like Rush Limbaugh and some of the Republican Leadership like to create class warfare by claiming that the rich are paying too much in taxes as it is. Let's rectify one problem at a time.
America has the second lowest tax rate among all the major developed nations. And that is by a LONG shot. There is nowhere the rich would rather be than here. Also, after Clinton raised to top tier tax rates, the rich started making money like never before. They never had it so good since Clintons tax.
I think we may be headed away from the topic here. Increasing the tax rates on the rich will do what to help the "poor"? Certainly the government has had more revenue over the last 30 years than they've had in the past. They've spent more money on improving poverty than ever before, and yet the poverty rate has been on the increase since the early 70's. More money is not the solution.
On a side note, citing the tax rates of other countries is an unconvincing justification IMO. Look at their economies, the problems with their health care systems, the struggles that many of their industries have and compare them to the US. They are far from good examples of how to effectively run a government or grow an economy.