For a look at the other side of the story and/or at less biased reviews, check these links out:
Lindows, IMO, doesn't seem to be aiming at providing an alternative Linux distro - rather, it appears to be competing in the easy-to-use desktop market. Unfortunately, I do believe they've made some bad decisions in the implementation of their OS, such as reintroducing a few of the problems that plagued Win9x/XPHome (run as root).
However, you can't deny that Lindows is doing *very* good things for the Linux community. Go to (a huge kde customization site) - while I personally don't use KDE, I did hear that this site could not have survived without financial assistance from Lindows.
Some more notable examples are gaim, mozilla, and (something that was recently released) nvu, a wysiwyg editor for Linux.
My 2cents - please consider both sides of the story. Thanks =)